4 Things You Should Know About Exercising in Old Age

4 Things You Should Know About Exercising in Old Age
January 15 17:58 2019 Print This Article

We, modern men and women, tend to turn to exercise when it’s absolutely necessary and not before. In truth, regular physical activity should be a part of our daily lives so that we can keep our bodies and our minds in good shape.

The health benefits of exercise become more apparent as we get older but there isn’t a lot of content online about how to start exercising later in life. If you haven’t gotten into any regular physical activity so far and wish to do so, this short guide is for you.

  1. It is never too late to start

“The I’m too old to start now” line isn’t going to work. All experts agree that it is never too late to start and there have been studies saying that even people in their 80s and 90s have apparent benefits of being put on a training regimen. An increase in general muscle mass, improved brain activity, circulation, and improved capability of keeping chronic issues at bay are just some of them.

  1. A regular routine is your goal

Establishing a regular training routine isn’t easy and how much time you spend exercising will depend on your current physical state. As a goal, however, you should shoot for 150 minutes of mild exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. Get on a schedule and, by all means, try to keep it. The best kind of exercise is regular exercise.

  1. Dealing sore bones and old injuries

Sure, older people tend to have more physical issues to overcome during training. Regardless of the previous injuries and overall physical health, stretching well before and after you engage in physical activity is a good idea. It activates your muscles, gets the blood flowing and lowers the chance of an injury occurring.

If you have some problems with a particular joint in your body, there is some medical equipment that you can rely on. For example, if you have a problem with your shoulder due to an old injury, shoulder braces are your best bet. Sure, they can take some getting used to but the goal is to get you exercising while minimizing the risk of injury.

  1. Take things slow

This is good general advice for people of all ages starting out but especially for seniors. The goal is to slowly improve your physical fitness. You don’t need to rush anywhere as you may hurt yourself which will prevent you from progressing and have a very bad effect on your motivation.

The sooner you start, the sooner you will reap the benefits – so what are you waiting for, get out there!

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About Article Author

Clare Louise
Clare Louise

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