Who All Are Eligible for Filing a Claim under the Worker Compensation Program

Who All Are Eligible for Filing a Claim under the Worker Compensation Program
June 17 11:40 2019 Print This Article

You could file a claim under the energy workers compensation program if you were an employee or a survivor of the employee working in the recognized mines. You would be allowed to file a claim on your own, or a family member could file a claim on your behalf if you were deceased or would have qualified of filing.

There have been a number of categories of claimants apart from the self-miner.

  • Spouse

The spouse could file on behalf of the deceased spouse. It would be pertinent to mention here that even if the spouse has remarried, the earlier spouse would be entitled to benefits. In order to file on a spouse, you should have married to the miner for at least one year before his or her death.

  • Parent

A child could file on behalf of the deceased parent provided there has been no spouse living that would qualify for making the claim. You should share the compensation with the living brothers and sisters that you may have. They should be inclusive of step-siblings who had lived in the same household as the deceased parent.

  • Child

A parent could file on behalf of the deceased child. In the event of both, the parents of the child would still be alive; they would be entitled to share the compensation equally.

  • Grandparent

A grandchild could file on the behalf of the deceased grandparent. However, it could be possible only if there has been no living spouse to file the claim and no living children of the grandparent. It would be pertinent to mention here that all grandchildren would share the compensation equally. A grandparent may also be allowed to file on the behalf of a deceased grandchild provided there has been no living parent who has been qualified to file the claim.

Who are onsite participants?

Onsite participants would be those persons who would have participated in above-ground nuclear testing or who would have worked at one of the test sites. These participants would be entitled to receive a significant amount provided, after the onsite participation, they had contracted the below-mentioned diseases:

  • Lung cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Multiple myelomas
  • Lymphomas
  • Primary cancer of the thyroid, esophagus, pharynx, male or female breast, stomach, small intestine, bile ducts, pancreas, gall bladder, urinary bladder, salivary gland, colon, brain, liver, ovary or lung.

In the event of your loved ones falling into any of these categories, you should get in touch with the right attorney in order to determine the procedure and how to file the claim.

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About Article Author

Clare Louise
Clare Louise

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