Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily Hairs Naturally

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily Hairs Naturally
February 28 09:32 2018 Print This Article

Introduction: Every person dreams of having beautiful, silky and smooth hair. It gives positive vibes. Many peopleface the problem of greasy hair, excess oil which comes in hair from hair scalp. Oily hair causes dandruff, itching and other hair problems.Greasynatural hair could be due to hormonal misbalance, stress, unhealthy foodintake, shampoo,etc.

Home remedies to get rid of oily hair:

  1. Lemon Juice- Lemon juice is beneficialin removing excess oil. Lemon juice contains acid which helps in removing oil and dandruff from the hair scalp and makes hair brightand shiny. Apply lemon juice mixed with water on the scalp and after an hour, wash with shampoo. It is also helpful to get rid of dandruff naturally as mentioned on com.
  2. Henna- Henna has the power of providing nourishment to the scalp, it provides brightness of the hair.It helps in removing excess oil from the head scalp and makes it shiny. Mix henna with tea water and leave for the whole night. On the next day, apply henna on the scalp, keep the mixture for three hours. Wash the hair with shampoo
  3. Baking Soda-Baking soda has lots of benefits; it has many usages. Baking soda is very beneficial for removing excess oil from the scalp. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with shampoo and apply over the scalp.
  4. Beer- Beer contains lots of vitamins and minerals, which is very useful in removing excess oil from the hair. Leave beer for thirty minutes in open airand then mix with a yellow yolk of egg, massage hair scalp with beer and egg yolk mixture. Leave the pack for thirty minutes and then wash with cold water.
  5. Aloe Vera Gel-Aloe Vera is usefulfor all beauty treatments, it is also beneficial in hair treatment in removing excess oil from the hair. It containsan anti-inflammatory element which helps in reducing excess fat, dandruff, and other hair problems. Mix Aloe Vera gel with lemon juice and add to the shampoo, apply the mixture to the hair. Wash with cold water.
  6. Apple cider vinegar- Apple cider vinegar helps in reducing oiliness from the hair. It makes hair look soft and shiny. Mix apple cider vinegar with plain water and apply on the hair scalp. Leave the mixture for some time and then wash with shampoo.
  7. Egg white pack- Eggs are very rich in protein and vitamin. It is not only useful for health but also for hair, as it helps in making them nourish and shiny. Apply the egg white on the hair scalp and massage for few minutes. Wash with lemon water forabetter result.

Conclusion: There are lots of hair product available in the market which is costly and full of chemicals. Natural ingredients are cheap and readilyavailable. They have no side effect on the hair. Chemical products should not be used more as they lead to hair damage. Protect the hair by using natural ingredients which have no side effects.

About the author:The above words has been said by Liya Lobo a professional writer and publisher. The article references has been taken from authority sites. For more such high quality guests posts visit thefogut.com and you can have the quality content.

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Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams

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